Tonight: The Night of Incredible Noise

Monday, May 03 2004 @ 12:52 PM EDT

Contributed by: Named For Hank

The Blue Jays need our support, that much is clear. The Doctor himself remarked the other day that unlike some other teams, the Jays could not rely on their fans to make noise and pick them up when they needed that extra boost during games.

Tonight is your chance to give that extra boost to the Jays.

Sadly, the drum will not be making the trip with us tonight -- entanglements have postponed its SkyDome debut until the Boston series, starting May 13th. But that's all right, the Boston series will be a great place to bring it out.

That may discourage some of you who were considering coming tonight. I hope it doesn't: the Jays need us.

Who's with me?

The plan is to meet up pre-game around 6:50 at the gate 9 box office. I'll be there wearing a 1985 Jays hat, a road grey jersey, a brown leather jacket and orange shoes. Also, I'll have a garbage bag filled with signs, so I should be easy to spot.

If you miss meeting up with us, we'll be trying to gather in section 518 or thereabouts. There shouldn't be a lot of people, so if you buy any 500 level ticket and just walk into section 518 you'll be fine. If you don't see us in 518, listen for the shouting and look for the signs.

We need a sign for Vernon Wells tonight. In another thread, Coach suggested GET WELLS SOON, which is a little groany for my tastes, but unless someone can come up with something better, I'll be making that. Suggestions?

Also, we need some pro-Jay and anti-Royal chants, especially player specific ones. Get your brains on it! If your boss asks where that report is, stall him -- the Jays need you more.