Brand Loyalty

Saturday, May 10 2003 @ 03:30 AM EDT

Contributed by: Coach

Thanks to Jason for linking to this in another thread. It's from the Toronto Star, but not the sports section. On the front page of A&E, opposite an enormous colour photo, Peter Goddard asks local design professionals about the Blue Jays logo and name. I like what Parallel's Evan Clifford (an Ursula Franklin Academy grad) said:

"I'm 21. I live in Toronto. I fall into the exact demographic the Jays want. But as I say this, I can't remember what the Jays' logo looks like. That's not positive branding. Changing the logo as many times as this team has is brand destruction. I bet everyone living in New York City knows what the Yankees logo is."

There's another great quote, from artist Jaclyn Shoub, that I hope the marketing guys read:

"Making uniforms snazzy just doesn't work. We don't want the Jays to turn out like the Raptors, looking like some junky arcade thing. What the Jays are trying now is like CBC morning radio trying to become hipper. In both cases it's a total disaster."