Who should appear on the new banner?

Sunday, January 01 2006 @ 11:51 PM EST

Contributed by: Named For Hank

Oh, I'm still on hiatus from Photo of the Week. Am I ever on hiatus. In fact, I don't think I'll be starting work on the new banner until February, so Orlando Hudson will be at the top of the site for another month at least.

But that doesn't mean that we can't talk about who's going up there next...

If you click here, you'll see all of the previous Photos of the Day/Week, all the way back to the few pictures I did at the end of the '04 season. The Orlando Hudson image that ended up on the banner is in there; while it's possible to use an image that wasn't Photo of the Day/Week in the banner, if a player isn't represented in those links it means I don't have a good photograph of them.

So, have a peek through the archives and give me some ideas for the new banner. Link to your favourites so everyone can see what you're talking about.

