What matters most?

Saturday, July 18 2009 @ 11:37 PM EDT

Contributed by: Mick Doherty

Interesting listening on the radio here in Texas recently ... I was tuning in to one of Dallas/Fort Worth's three all-sports radio options, and the discussion turned, as it almost always does, to the Cowboys. (The four sports seasons here are football, playoffs, draft and training camp.)

Then the question came up -- no, it wasn't really a question, it was more of a pronouncement -- that  the typical North Texas sports fan, if given a choice between a Rangers World Series championship and a Cowboys Super Bowl appearance (not even a guaranteed win), would almost unanimously and virtually without hesitation take the latter. Throw in a Mavericks title and a Stars cup to the Rangers' fictional rings, and the Cowboys would still come out on top said some of the most conservative and consistent sports journalists in Texas.

That got me thinking about Toronto ...

So here I pose these questions to you:

  1. Given a choice between a Jays championship and a Leafs Cup run that falls juuust short, what does the typical Toronto sports fan opt for?
  2. What if you added up a Jays title and  Raptors NBA crown ... do the Leafs come out on top then?
  3. What would the Toronto Average Sports Joe & Jane be willing to choose the Jays over?

That's all I got. I'm just curious. The floor is now open ...


