Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine

The Blue Jays farm system made us proud on Friday night, sweeping every opponent.  From Las Vegas to Lansing (except Dunedin) pitching was great for the good guys.  Batting was run productive for everybody, led by Dunedin, who needed to put 11 on the board to best Bradenton.

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Several runs in the ninth inning helped Las Vegas to a comeback probable victory in a suspended game and one run in the ninth led to Dunedin’s win. Meanwhile, Reider Gonzalez improved to 5-1 with a fine performance in front of the Fisher Cats fans. The Lugnuts lost behind an average effort by Drew Hutchison
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Three of the affiliates took advantage of home cooking and came up with wins that featured a shutout, a near shutout and a walk off.  The one affiliate who was not home wished they never left.
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There were only two games tonight, so less work for me!!! Except then I decided to take a closer look at Lansing's season so far. Wondering how your favourite Lugnuts have been doing? Click through to find out.
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Big leaguer Jose Bautista lit the world on fire in Minnesota on Sunday with three home runs but three affiliates were also busy in the Jays universe. Only one, though, came out on top with a win.
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In the Pacific Coast League, some of the most intruging names had good nights, as Travis Snider, Brett Lawrie, Eric Thames and Brad Mills all may have caught the attention of the parent club. The Fisher Cats won a slugfest, while in A-ball a pitching prospect had a good night after some performances recently. Bradley Glenn continues to be one of the few players in Dunedin swinging a hot bat, while Lansing had a thrilling ninth as the Lugnuts attempted to overcome some errors in the field for a late-inning victory.
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Rehabbing Jayson Nix saw action in the opener of Dunedin’s doubleheader in the FSL, going 0 for 4 against Ft. Myers.  Lansing's contest vs. Great Lakes was suspended due to rain in the third inning. Dunedin swept and New Hampshire split in their respective twin bills against Ft. Myers and Reading , while late night Las Vegas lost at the hands of Albuquerque due to a brutal five-run 2nd inning rout of Scott Richmond.

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Only three games last night with two wins and a horror show.
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A bunch of good and almost great pitching performances, and a shot at a clean sweep.
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One affiliate won by a converted touchdown, one lost by a field goal, another had two field goals to overcome a safety and the other put up a converted TD and field goal to best a rouge (a single point in the CFL for those who don't know!).  Total it all up and it's a golden 3-1 night for the good guys.
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The farm went 2-2, and the highlights included Eric Thames continuing his hot streak, Nestor Molina continuing to be the best pitcher in Dunedin, and a certain Torontonian having a big day.
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I was in Lansing from May 1st to 3rd watching the Lugnuts play against the Lake County Captains.  Lugnut Fan was there too for two of the games.  I have descibed what I saw below.  In summary Drew Hutchison looked very good, Sean Nolin also looked good.  Jake Marisnick looked like a five toool prospect, he had six hits in three games and ran and fielded well. Carlos Perez was his usual line drive self.  Most of the other hitters didn't stand out.
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I apologize for the brevity of this report, but it's Mother's Day and my wife is celebrating her first ever special day. The affiliates had a good day with three wins in four tries.
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Three of the bigger pitching prospects on the farm, Zach Stewart, Asher Wojciechowski and Drew Hutchinson, were in action last night. Unfortunately, none of them picked up victories and their results ranged from mediocre to forgettable.
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On Friday, the farm clubs batted in a total of 27 runs on 37 hits including 6 round trippers.

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