The Blue Jays affiliates took three out of four Wednesday.
A perfect 4-0 night for the affiliates with two one-run victories.
There were just two games on Sunday with two rainouts. Even the Dunedin game had to survive a rain delay. The Tampa domination of Dunedin continued, the Jays were held to two hits. So it was left to Vancouver to save the day. A pair of two run home runs and an excellent start by Adam Kloffenstein got the win.
The top of the farm did poorly. Buffalo lost two, New Hampshire one. The lower tier did better. Vancouver won, Dunedin split a doubleheader with Tampa, and the FCL Jays scored 15 against the Yankees.
Posted by
Gerry on Sunday, July 11 2021 @ 08:30 AM EDT.
Most Recent Post: 07/11 07:01PM by greenfrog [
4 featured comments]
The FCL Jays were no hit for seven innings, ended the game with two hits and still won. New Hampshire had a nice come from behind win powered by their bullpen. Vancouver and Dunedin lost while Buffalo's game was suspended.
Posted by
Gerry on Saturday, July 10 2021 @ 08:12 AM EDT.
Most Recent Post: 07/11 12:10AM by tercet [
5 featured comments]
The Tampa Yankees are one of the best teams in the minor leagues. The racked up 78 runs on Dunedin in the opening six games of the season. So it was more of the same when they scored 21 runs in the first game of a doubleheader yesterday. But, in the second game, in "you never know in baseball", one of the hottest teams in baseball were held to one run by three pitchers with ERA's over six at the start of the game. Orelvis homered, again, in game one.
Elsewhere Breyvic Valera led the Bisons to a win. New Hampshire and Vancouver lost. The complex Jays split a doubleheader and had some good hitting and pitching performances.
The Blue Jays affiliates were 0-for-3 Wednesday. Dunedin's game against Tampa was postponed due to wet grounds.
The affiliates won two out of three. Dunedin's game against Tampa was postponed due to Hurricane Elsa.
Rowdy Tellez and Vinny Capra each drove in four runs. Rowdy helped Buffalo win, while New Hampshire lost despite Capra's efforts. Vancouver and Dunedin also lost.
It was a tough night on the farm, the only win was by New Hampshire in a rain shortened affair. Maximo Castillo pitched well. Buffalo lost twice, Vancouver once. Dunedin battled back from a six run deficit but lost on a walk off. Two games were rained out.
Alejandro Kirk homered in a suspended game. In Dunedin, Alejandro Melean threw five excellent innings to lead Dunedin to the win. This is probably the first time two Alejandro's have starred for the Jays in the same night. There were only three completed games but the affiliates won all three. Dasan Brown had three hits and Orelvis homered in Dunedin's win. Rowdy Tellez also homered and Kevin Smith tripled as Buffalo won game one. And Vancouver knocked out 17 hits in their win.
Two rainouts, four losses, not an inspiring night on the farm. Hitting was in short supply, the Jays affiliates had 22 hits across four games. Starting pitchers were the stars of the show, they fill all three star positions. In the absence of great performances, we look at prospect pitchers and their 2021 performances.
The affiliates dropped three of four games on Wednesday that included a doubleheader sweep. New Hampshire's game against Portland was washed out.
All three affiliates in action scored at least 10 runs but it wasn't enough for one of them to get in the win column Tuesday. Dunedin's game in Palm Beach was rained out.
It was not a particularly notable day on the farm. Buffalo had the only win and it took eleven innings to get it. New Hampshire and Vancouver were comprehensively beaten, while Dunedin blew a win with a two run error in the ninth inning.