Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine
The top 30 is complete for another year. Here are some notes on those who are on, and who missed, the list.
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The top 10 features three returnees from last year's top 10, five returnees from the top 30, seven who were in the system in 2018 and three players who are new to the system.
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The middle 10 of our top 30 prospects has plenty of pitching, several of whom are very close to the major leagues. We also have a couple of catchers and two very different hitters.

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It's time for the newest edition of the Batter's Box Blue Jays Top 30 prospects. This marks the sixteenth year of the top 30 here on Da Box. We are later than usual this year but its a quiet time for baseball news so this gives us something baseball related to discuss.

As we remind readers each year, the expectation of the top 30 prospects for any team is that one third will improve, one third will regress and one third will stay as they were. This year nine players from the 2018 list graduated to the big leagues. That is a big number and when you graduate that many players, it does impact the value of your minor league system. In case you forgot, the graduates are Vladdy, Biggio, Bo, Danny Jansen, Rowdy Tellez, Sean Reid-Foley, Thomas Pannone, Billy McKinney and Travis Bergen. Reese McGuire is still eligible for the 2019 top 30. Max Pentecost was also on the 2018 list and he retired so that makes ten players who are ineligible for the 2019 list before we get to on the field performance.

The Jays front office added more pieces to the system this year as part of the now annual mid-season clear-out. Simeon Woods Richardson and Anthony Kay are the two most notable additions. But not all of the prospects added via trades have made this list. As has been discussed on Da Box, the Jays system includes a lot of players who are possible, or fringe, prospects. Some people see them as prospects, some as long-shots and some as not a prospect. As a result there are many players who some Blue Jay fans consider to be prospects who did not make it onto our top 30. In another season, or if they were on a different team, they would be on a top 30 list.

After the ten players have to come off our list, the remaining 20 players from last year's top 30 go into Da Box's mixer with the newly drafted players, the international signings, the traded-for players and those whose performance took a step forward in 2019. The mixer goes to work, powered by the votes of our minor league team, and kicks out the definitive list of the Blue Jays top 30 prospects. Only fourteen of last year's top 30 are back. That means six have dropped off and we have 16 new entrants.

As usual the first 10 are published today, the next 10 tomorrow, and the top 10 on the day after. Let the discussion begin!

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The long wait is almost over. Tomorrow we will publish the first installment of the Batters Box top 30 prospect list. We have been delayed this year due to life, but we pulled through over the Christmas holidays, adjusted for flu season and now are ready.
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Well, things are quiet so with the rule 5 draft, winter trades, free agents all over the place lets take a look at how others rate the Jays system as of now (Batters Box top 30 will be coming once the crew has a chance to do it right - best to do it right rather than rushed)
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The Dunedin Blue Jays were to play their first playoff game Tuesday but Hurricane Dorian said, "Screw that noise!" Instead, this is a recap of Monday's action where #BlueJays affiliates were 3-1 on Labour Day to conclude the 2019 minor league season. #LetsGoBlueJays
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The GCL season is done and they join Bluefield and the DSL Jays on the beach. Dunedin joined them after Thursday's game due to hurricane Dorian. Dunedin finish as Division Champions with no overall FSL champion. I looked at the stat leaders for 2019 for those four teams. In the playoff hunt, Vancouver were eliminated. Buffalo's tragic number is one and Lansing's is two.
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Bluefield finished their season with a nice win. The GCL Jays will finish their season today, two games early, because of the approaching hurricane. Dunedin start their playoffs next Tuesday, they hope the hurricane will have passed through by then. It looks like Dunedin will be the only playoff team for the Jays. Three teams have a small chance to make the playoffs. Buffalo and Lansing have a tragic number of three, with five games remaining. Vancouver's tragic number is one. Wednesday saw a two pitch inning, that is very unusual. Read below to find out how.
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#BlueJays affiliates were 2-for-6 Tuesday with Buffalo and Dunedin getting the wins. Vancouver and the GCL boys had the day off. #LetsGoBlueJays
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The #BlueJays affiliates won three and lost four Monday. Dunedin's doubleheader was rained out so they will try to play two on Tuesday. #LetsGoBlueJays
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It was a mixed bag on the farm on Thursday. Kevin Smith had a big night. Cullen Large moved his average over .300 so the write-up asks, who is the better prospect?

There are around twelve games left in the season. Dunedin are in the playoffs. Buffalo and Lansing are both in with a chance but they both had bad games on Thursday where they were behind by a lot early in the game. The other five teams vary from little to no hope.

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Demi Orimoloye hit two home runs. Justin Ammons had four hits with three doubles. Anthony Kay became the third Bisons pitcher in a row to pitch shutout baseball. TJ Zeuch, Nate Pearson and Kay are each staking a claim on a promotion. Adam Kloffenstein pitched well. It has been a good week for Blue Jay pitching prospects.

It was a good night for the affiliates with six wins and two losses. Vancouver had the most exciting win, getting a run in the tenth to win 1-0. The GCL Jays took an 8-1 lead to the bottom of the ninth and had to hang on to win 8-7.

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#BlueJays affiliates won four and lost four Tuesday. #LetsGoBlueJays
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The #BlueJays affiliates won four out of five Monday. Dunedin and the GCL squad had the day off. The DSL team saw their game rained out. #LetsGoBlueJays
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