Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine

New combo ... which of the following 10 players, who each made it to the big league level in both baseball (MLB) and hoops (NBA) turned out to be the best at both?

Danny Ainge 19 (38.00%)
Frankie Baumholtz 0 (0.00%)
Gene Conley 4 (8.00%)
Chuck Connors 1 (2.00%)
Dave DeBusschere 8 (16.00%)
Dick Groat 3 (6.00%)
Steve Hamilton 0 (0.00%)
Mark Hendrickson 12 (24.00%)
Cotton Nash 0 (0.00%)
Ron Reed 3 (6.00%)
New combo ... which of the following 10 players, who each made it to the big league level in both baseball (MLB) and hoops (NBA) turned out to be the best at both? | 3 comments | Create New Account
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BallGuy - Wednesday, November 02 2005 @ 04:24 PM EST (#131096) #
If Danny Ainge turns out to be the best at both that aint sayin' much for the athletes listed here. None of these guys really excelled at their respective sports. Ainge was a good basketball player but not a great one. At least guys like Thorpe or Jackson were great at one sport.

I know he didn't make it to the majors but if there were an 'other' I would vote for Michael Jordan.
Four Seamer - Wednesday, November 02 2005 @ 05:20 PM EST (#131101) #
Well, DeBusschere is a Hall of Fame Basketball player, and had two pretty promising seasons as a pitcher before concentrating on basketball.
daryn - Thursday, November 03 2005 @ 09:48 AM EST (#131152) #
I didn't vote because I couldn't give informed commentary on anyone except Ainge and Hendrickson, and just barely at that.

No offence to anyone that DID vote, but maybe a few others had the same problem...
New combo ... which of the following 10 players, who each made it to the big league level in both baseball (MLB) and hoops (NBA) turned out to be the best at both? | 3 comments | Create New Account
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