Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine
Even in the high-octane AL, there are interesting pitching matchups, like Zito-Clemens I and II, or today's. Jarrod Washburn wasn't 100% at the start of the season, but he's rounding into form. Though his seasonal K rate is way down, he struck out five in a complete game 6-hitter last time out. The lefty dominated the Jays the only time they met in 2002, combining with Troy Percival on a brilliant 3-hit shutout. Roy Halladay, the 1-0 loser that day, can expect a little more support this afternoon. If he avoids getting hurt again by nemesis (6-for-9, 1.556 OPS) Garret Anderson, Doc can win the rematch.
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Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves. But Carlos Delgado is on fire, and has been since last September. This column by Larry Millson explores Delgado's fast start, an article remarkable in and of itself for being perhaps the first recorded use of the term "OPS" in the Globe and Mail. But I think there's more going on here than just Carlos finding his touch again:

- He's completely healthy for the first time in a long while.
- The malaise surrounding the organization is being stripped away.
- He's got hitters surrounding him (Wells, Phelps) who actually inspire concern in opposing pitchers.

Any other suggestions? And any guesses on how long he can keep this up?
No, not for the Blue Jays -- for your Toronto Maple Leafs, the ones who aren't playing golf at the moment. Those of us outside Toronto will miss the Leafs' first home game of the Intercounty Baseball League season today at Christie Pits, but if you're in Melonville and have time on your hands, go catch the game. At a time when columnists and talking heads are constantly bemoaning how baseball "just isn't a game anymore" and so forth, the ICB League is a genuine throwback. Go Leafs Go!
Shades of last night's storyline (thanks for picking me up, Gitz) -- Toronto lefty tries to stifle world champion lineup that faced him just five days ago. Mark Hendrickson was a little tentative at first against the Angels, then appeared to be getting better in the middle innings. He could receive a quick hook again tonight, as Kelvim Escobar, on his sixth day of rest, will be ready to take over.

According to the Yahoo preview, Mike Bordick will start at 3B, with Eric Hinske getting a night off. Josh Phelps returns after his first mini-vacation of the year. Anaheim righty Ramon Ortiz didn't finish the fourth inning against the Jays last week, so he'll be faced with an even bigger challenge than Lurch.
Thanks to Jason for linking to this in another thread. It's from the Toronto Star, but not the sports section. On the front page of A&E, opposite an enormous colour photo, Peter Goddard asks local design professionals about the Blue Jays logo and name. I like what Parallel's Evan Clifford (an Ursula Franklin Academy grad) said:

"I'm 21. I live in Toronto. I fall into the exact demographic the Jays want. But as I say this, I can't remember what the Jays' logo looks like. That's not positive branding. Changing the logo as many times as this team has is brand destruction. I bet everyone living in New York City knows what the Yankees logo is."

There's another great quote, from artist Jaclyn Shoub, that I hope the marketing guys read:

"Making uniforms snazzy just doesn't work. We don't want the Jays to turn out like the Raptors, looking like some junky arcade thing. What the Jays are trying now is like CBC morning radio trying to become hipper. In both cases it's a total disaster."
Yesterday's action in the Pacific Coast League included a couple of boxscore names that should look familiar to Blue Jays fans:

Tacoma 15, Colorado Springs 10
P.Borders, C 6 1 6 3 .395

Edmonton 9, Las Vegas 7
R.Knorr, C 5 1 2 1 .255

Time to start scanning Baseball America for word of Sandy Martinez and The Other Kevin Brown.

In games played by current members of the Jays minor-league organization:
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Aaron Sele makes his first start of the season. Even at his best, Sele is rather hittable. The Jays will score some runs, but, as always, the question is if they will prevent them. Enjoy the game, night owls of Toronto.
Today's column by Richard Griffin in the Star doesn't bash the home team, it takes the entire game to task, especially the AL. Griffin makes some good points, which echo my sentiments: juiced baseballs, bigger (juiced?) hitters, and watered-down pitching have reduced strategy and made the walks-and-homers philosophy essential. Baseball will never return to the days of 1968, when pitchers ruled the earth and nail-biting 2-1 games were commonplace, though a few steps back in that direction would be a good start. I'm glad the Jays are among the teams built to outscore the opposition, but 16-5 games (like NY-Seattle last night, in a "pitcher's park") aren't very exciting.

After last weekend's pasting by the Jays, the Halos got well this week -- thanks to home cookin' and a visit by the Tribe. The Angels are still vulnerable, especially if the Jays can give Aaron Sele a rude re-introduction to Major League Baseball. Of course, the Jays definitely do not want to have to face the back end of Anaheim's bullpen down more than one run.

For those of us from outside the GTA, this is another series in which MLB.TV has elected not to show any of the Jays' games. Bah, humbug.

On to the Advance Scout!
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The final game in Texas goes at 2:05 Eastern, and we get to see whether the Jays can get back to scoring mass numbers of runs. They have the right pitcher - Ryan Drese - to hit. Cory Lidle goes for the Jays; he's trying to win his fifth game before the quarter pole, and if he can do that I'll call it a successful start to his season, 4.80 ERA or no.

Drese has walked 15 men in 15.1 innings this year, and he's the sort of pitcher who the patient Jays approach is designed for.

The game's not on TV, but is on the air on FAN 590, as well as 900 CHML in Hamilton.
I've been impressed all year by Cory Lidle's stuff. He throws harder, and has better command, than I thought. His April wasn't great as a whole, but he now has three wins and a no-decision in his last four starts, and put everything together in his latest masterpiece: a solo shot by Salmon, singles by the Kingfish and GA, one walk and five strikeouts -- a tidy 103-pitch complete game. That's how Cory was pitching last August, and it's all you could ask from a #2. Not only did he use all his pitches, he kept the hitters off-balance. Lidle shook off Wilson constantly, and like the catcher, I rarely guessed what he wanted to throw or even the location. Neither did the Angels.

Today's assignment is more difficult against this great lineup. Hank Blalock is really impressive; he looks strong at 3B and his bat has lightning in it. A-Rod settled the Gold Glove thing once and for all -- I'm sure Mike Bordick was as amazed as the rest of us at the clinic Alex put on last night. Juan Gonzalez is the laziest player imaginable; it's as if he thinks playing the outfield or running the bases is an imposition. But he's a very tough out right now. So's Everett, whose catch off Hinske last night was sensational. Mea Kulpa's blown calls, on the appeal (Eric stumbled, missed the bag with both toes, but obviously got it with his heel) and on 3-2 to Cat, decided that game. He was awful, and Hollowell, behind the plate today, also owes one to the Jays; I expect better umpiring in our high school league.

It's a 2:05 start, a rare game I won't see or hear for at least a few innings. I'll be back here about 7:00 to find out what I missed. I hope Raffy can wait one more day for #499, and I wish Ryan Drese and/or Todd Van Poppel lotsa luck.
The Toronto Star has fantastic coverage of the Pastime today. The best standings and box scores page, legible weekly stats, and a front-page Mark Zwolinski preview of the CBL; the new independent league "hopes it can mirror the unexpected success of several independent U.S. hockey leagues, which have entrenched themselves in local communities with aggressive marketing and consistent rosters." I hope the Sunday night TV games on The Score create stars and they sell lots of jerseys.

Allan Ryan's Off The Wall is full of the useless information that fascinates many of us. In Geoff Baker's game report, he quotes Tosca on Delgado's "new swing" -- it's obvious to me that in addition to the mechanical changes he's made, big Carlos has a new philosophy. More great stuff (the renowned Player Index and Baseball Watch) is available only on, but your 50 cents will be well spent on the paper.
Earlier on BB, Coach started a discussion of Michael Lewis and his book Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game. With the White Sox coming to Oakland this week, Sox GM Kenny Williams has said he wants to speak to A's GM Billy Beane. It will be interesting to see who else wants to speak with Beane when the book is released later this month. Baseball Primer had a thread related to this discussion; here's BB's chance.
Most Texas hitters have had success against Tanyon Sturtze. Last week at home, trying not to walk anyone, he gave up 11 hits in 3.1 innings; it's hard to imagine him dominating the Rangers. The Blue Jays have never seen Joaquin Benoit, but the Indians got to him in the fifth and knocked him out in the sixth in his other 2003 start. The 25-year-old Dominican righty began the year in AAA Oklahoma City, where he was 2-1, 4.03 in five starts, totalling 29 innings. His 2002 record in the AL (59/58 K/BB, 5.32 ERA) suggests another shootout tonight, and maybe the bullpens will decide this one.

According to the Yahoo preview, Frank Catalanotto is back in his customary #2 spot and playing RF; Werth had a good game last night, but it's a relief to see Cat's OK. Wilson's behind the plate; the catchers continue to share the workload evenly.
From today's typically excellent ATMREPORTS e-mail newsletter by Lee Sinins, this nugget of information goes to prove that Ben Johnson ain't the only Canuck On Wheels (ooh, unfortunate acronym there) ...

"Rockies RF Larry Walker ... tied the record for most career SB by a player born in Canada, tying the mark set by Terry Puhl." Note: Corey Koskie may be in the Top 5 by the end of this season.
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