Nice work, Davis Romero -- today's photo of the day is dedicated to you:

Click on the image to see a desktop-sized version.
Aaron Reynolds uses Pentax cameras and lenses.
Funny story today:
I'm sitting in my marketing class today and some dude sitting in front of me is talking to his friend via MSN. Since this class was generally pretty boring, I looked over and realized that his friend's MSN picture (the little picture on the right of the conversation box) was one of NFHs. (The Blue Jays logo with the players ingrained within).
Good work travels fast!
"Is it just me, or does Romero have the look of the crafty lefty? Maybe I'm wishcasting."
Not only that, but he reminds me a wee bit of Pedro Martinez..... well maybe I'm dreaming but what the hey. :)
I met Davis Romero in Cleveland last August and he reminded me of FES from That 70s Show. The parallels were quite amusing. I had my picture taken with him and between my height over him and the stands adding a few inches, I had to really lean down to get both of us in the picture. He's really, really small.
Then the other night in the bullpen he let out a "Aieeeeee!". I'm not sure what prompted him to, but it had hilairous results.