Everything about the batting stance of Oakland A's catcher Jason Kendall makes me think of an axe murderer:

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I'm still taking requests for playoff POTD subjects -- the list of available players is in this thread. I'm going to put up playoff guys before the non-playoff guys (sorry, Ichiro fans!), just to continue the POTD mojo effect experiment. So far, Curtis Granderson has responded to being Photo of the Day by going 3 for 5 and hitting a home run; let's see how Kendall does.
Aaron Reynolds uses Pentax cameras and lenses.

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I'm still taking requests for playoff POTD subjects -- the list of available players is in this thread. I'm going to put up playoff guys before the non-playoff guys (sorry, Ichiro fans!), just to continue the POTD mojo effect experiment. So far, Curtis Granderson has responded to being Photo of the Day by going 3 for 5 and hitting a home run; let's see how Kendall does.
Aaron Reynolds uses Pentax cameras and lenses.