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If only Joe Kennedy could face Toronto every start: he'd be in the Hall of Fame. As it is, he'll get his chance tonight to go 6-0. The Jays counter with former D-Ray Tanyon Sturtze. All zeros after one.
Game 39: Jays vs. Rays | 5 comments | Create New Account
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Mike D - Tuesday, May 13 2003 @ 07:27 PM EDT (#102277) #
Watching on MLB.TV...Sturtze is getting bombed, and deservedly so. He's hung some incredibly fat pitches up there. 3-0, D-Rays.
_snellville jone - Tuesday, May 13 2003 @ 08:16 PM EDT (#102278) #
Dang, Millwood's struck out 9 in 4 innings.
_David Bloom - Tuesday, May 13 2003 @ 08:36 PM EDT (#102279) #
Kennedy is their young ace. The Rays are starting to fill out their rotation with McClung and Brazelton now on board. The matchup tomite is an interesting one. Lou talks about wanting to have a veteran pitcher or two to blend in with the young staff. Parris is "hurt", or at leats they are calling it that. He was the lastest victim to be bounced from the rotation. Tanyon and Paul Wilson would of been good to still have around. If you are paying Vaugn and Grive all this money for nothing in return, they sure would of been a great help to this young team. Good Luck with Tanyon!

_snellville jone - Tuesday, May 13 2003 @ 08:47 PM EDT (#102280) #
Hey, nice website you got there, David.
Coach - Wednesday, May 14 2003 @ 01:57 PM EDT (#102281) #
Last night, I was among the (alleged) 14,007 in the seats.

Hudson batting second was an interesting hunch. It didn't look too good when O-Dog swung at the first pitch he saw and hit sharply into a double play. His home run later came off a righty -- if Orlando's even playing against a lefty, he should be at the bottom of the order. I'd have put Berg at 2B in the 2-hole, a configuration Tosca might be planning for tomorrow vs. Parque.

There were a lot more distractions than on the previous homestands, to the detriment of the action. Why someone thinks it's a good idea to have Don Cherry yell "Hey Tranna, it's game time" from the big screen is the biggest mystery. A lot of sound effects and musical interludes were lame or mistimed -- if you must use "Let's Go Blue Jays," it should be played on an 0-2 count when the visitors are batting and on a 3-1 count when they are pitching.

Phelps and Wells had great nights. Vernon made two sensational catches that again evoked Devon White comparisons, and as usual, smacked some very loud outs and foul balls. Josh steered three hits to right field, including his homer, and broke up a double play with a hard slide.

Jeff Tam wasn't very good, regressing from his three previous outings. Trever Miller never should have thrown a 3-2 strike to Baldelli. Let the kid strike himself out on a slider down and in, or take your chances with Huff, the lefty bat. I don't know what pitch was called, or by whom, but I'll blame Wilson anyway. Earlier, the frustratingly inconsistent Sturtze had pitched Baldelli way inside, and Rocco parted Tanyon's hair with the next fastball. Good player, despite the walk rate.

The still-intact Kennedy mystique was why I didn't predict a sweep, but there should be some payback for the Jays tonight against the rookie righthander. Tomorrow's duel of crafty lefties is a (soft) tossup.
Game 39: Jays vs. Rays | 5 comments | Create New Account
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