Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine

It's an express version of the minor league update tonight. The farm affiliates went 3-1, with the help of three fine starting pitching performances.

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The Lugnuts scored nine in central Michigan, Sarasota was SOL in the FSL, pitching continues to dominate in Double-A and thanks to Ryan Glynn and Jason Arnold, there was no trouble in Triple-A.
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Josh Towers' K/BB ratio may be the talk of the town, but Shaun Marcum and Casey Janssen aren't far behind. It was a 2-2 night on the farm.
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One month into the season, the Fisher Cats sat at an even .500, 11-11. That they won 11 games is a testament to the strength of their starting pitching; that they lost 11 is largely a tribute to how remarkably bad their offence has been.
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A disappointing 1-3 night for Toronto’s minor leaguers, and an update on the Three-Star standings.
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The D-Jays had mostly good weather this April, and responded by scoring over 5 and 1/2 runs per game. Unfortunately, their fine pitching staff surrendered over 5 runs per game, and so the team ended up with a 13-10 record for the month. They are in third place, 3 games behind the Lakeland Tigers.

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Tough times continue in Syracuse. New Hampshire didn't hit, Dunedin didn't pitch. Lansing salvaged one win for the minor league affiliates, thanks to Yates and his cast of characters. (I am posting this early because it is done, I will add links on Monday morning)
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It was another wet day, but a hard rain did not fall in Dunedin and Dayton, Ohio. The farm affiliates, led by Zach Jackson's gem, split their two games.

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Two wins and two losses for the farm teams last night. One of the things I've always found hardest to understand about introductions to Minor-League Updates is their habit of continuously stating and repeating the very very obvious, as in, It's a nice day, or You're very tall, or Oh dear, you seem to have fallen down a thirty-foot well, are you all right?

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Chiefs and D'Jays waxed, Dayton hands win to Lansing. Janssen's unlucky thirteenth.
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Only one game was played last night. That game was on Internet radio. The fact that it was a Dunedin game makes the previous sentence a Fort Myers Miracle.
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When I visited the Fisher Cats in Binghamton recently I had a chance to talk with Canadian pitcher Vince Perkins, as well as some of the other pitchers.
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In a reverse of yesterday's report, the Jay's affiliates won 4 out of 5 games.
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The Jays were off on Monday literally, their farm system figuratively, as the minor leaguers were beaten 4 out of 5.
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Vito Chiaravalloti is a favourite of Da Box since his triple crown win at Auburn in his first pro season in 2003. 2004 was an up and down season for Vito, he struggled in April and in August, but he was strong in the middle of the season and in the AFL. I sat down to talk with Vito recently recently when the Fisher Cats were in Binghamton. The first item on my agenda was to make sure I was pronouncing his name properly. Vito told me his family pronounces their last name with a "che" sound at the start, like cherry, but a "kee" sound, like Chianti, is the correct italian way.

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