Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine
Now its a mighty long way down the dusty trail
And the sun burns hot on the cold steel rails
And I look like a bum and I crawl like a snail
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We come from the land of the ice and snow
The midnight sun, where the hot springs flow
Hammer of the gods
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I was messing around on ESPN, when I saw a link to a page I had never visited:

Lifers: This lists the rare players in MLB who have been with only one team throughout their careers with at least 10 years in the pros.

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It's a nice four-game set against the division leaders for fans to sink their teeth into. Tuesday features Pete Walker's debut in the rotation after a stellar year so far in the pen. Wednesday sees Chacin face Daniel Cabrera and Doc hopes to end the series with a bang on Thursday.
Milwaukee heads into town, just like in the goold old days before they switched leagues.
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Following a miserable roadtrip the job doesn't get any easier with the St. Louis Cardinals making their first ever appearance at the Dome. The boys in blue are going to need our support and there should be some great games to watch.
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Noted Baseball Author/Journalist to Highlight
Inaugural Box Live Chat Group Interview

As announced here last week, noted baseball statistician/author/historian Alan Schwarz will be appearing in Toronto shortly to talk about his new book, The Numbers Game: Baseball's Lifelong Fascination with Statistics. Also appearing on the bill with Schwarz will be a journeyman outfielder named Vernon something-or-other.

And as speculated during that announcement, Schwarz will be featured in the first-ever Batter's Box Live Chat group interview, this Thursday at 7:30 PM Eastern time; there is no game Thursday, so we will use the regular IRC channel and process, though it is likely that this chat will be moderated in some way; additional instructions, if necessary, will be posted to the site closer to the time of the actual chat.

To prepare for the group interview, let's use this thread to brainstorm topics and specific questions ... here are some starter points:

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The Blue Jays visit Chicago and Houston this week. When they do, they will be playing by National League rules. And you know what that means.

Are you as excited about seeing Gustavo Chacin swing the bat as I am?

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Here, as usual, is my monthly report card for the Blue Jays.

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With the largest number of votes ever cast in a Batter's Box poll already in as we pursue an answer to the eternal quesetion, "What should be The Official Batter's Box nickname for the Blue Jay bullpen?" it will be necessary, as we originally projected, that we go to a runoff.

The top two finishers in our poll are in the new followup poll at the top left of the site. So what's it gonna be, Bauxites? Arny's Army or The GO Train?

For a look at the original story which listed and described the original six finalists, click "More." The descriptions of our two new final-finalists remain as they originally were for your edification. And the results from that original vote are in the first comment posted to this reconstituted thread.

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If you jumped ship on everybody every time they go bad, you'd never field a team in this league. (John Gibbons, May 28 2005.

Toronto Blue Jays optioned RHP Dave Bush to Triple-A Syracuse and recalled RHP Chad Gaudin from Triple-A Syracuse. (May 29, 2005)

I think this move is nuts on a number of levels...(Me, about six hours ago.)

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Hopefully, you've already figured out the purpose of this thread.
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The Rogers Centre may get a little more crowded than usuual for this mid-week set as Boston comes to town, likely accompanied by a sizable contigent of Boston fans making the trip for the series. There probably won't be as many as there usually is for a weekend series, but there will still be a good number of loud Bostonians in the stadium.
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We've selected the six finalists in the Batter's Box Splashy Headline Contest. The winner of the tickets is up to you -- make sure you vote in our new poll!

Read on to see our finalists.
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There's one reason, and one reason only, to ever check out the New York Post. The Post has headlines, both on the front page and the dedicated-to-sports back page, down to an absolute science.

And that's the basis for our latest contest!
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