Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine

This is an unusual week. Normally there is no Monday baseball and teams play from Tuesday to Sunday. But this week the teams play Monday through Saturday, with Sunday off. On the field Buffalo held on for a one run win, Dunedin had a nice win but Vancouver's win streak ended. New Hampshire also lost. Errors were a big factor on Monday, maybe it's the fact of having to play on a Monday.

Phil Clarke, Gabriel Cancel, Steward Berroa and Arjun Nimmala all were worthy of attention for their recent play.

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It doesn't get easier.

Say good bye to the Yankees, and say hello to the hottest team in the major leagues.
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Vancouver keep on rolling with another win. It's a red hot start to the second half of the season. Aaron Sanchez was excellent for Buffalo as new Bison Gabriel Cancel homered again. Dunedin won a rain shortened game while New Hampshire were rained out.
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Vancouver won their eighth game in a row, a great start to the second half. That was the only win on Saturday.
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New Hampshire had just five hits but it was enough to win. Jackson Hornung led Vancouver to a nooner win, their seventh in a row. The FCL Jays had an epic comeback win despite having one hit through eight innings. The DSL Jays have another pitcher to watch. Buffalo lost while Dunedin were rained out.
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Buffalo had to use Nick Fraze as a spot starter and he and Luis Quinones did very well keeping Syracuse off the score board. Buffalo scored five to win. Jeff Wehler his a big home run to deliver a come from behind win for Vancouver. Ryan McCarty homered and had three hits total but that was not enough for New Hampshire. Arjun Nimmala, back in Dunedin, homered in a losing cause.
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Here is another of our podcast episodes for the Vancouver Canadians 2024 season. You will see our posts on here as well as GoldenVPodcast. Please download the episode at the link below.
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Syracuse 7 Buffalo 4

Hartford 12 New Hampshire 6

Vancouver 3 Hillsboro 1

Lakeland 4 Dunedin 2

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Four games against the best team in the American League? What could go wrong?

Let's find out.

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New Hampshire, Vancouver, Dunedin and the DSL Blue Jays were triumphant on Tuesday.
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                        The worst is not
So long as we can say 'This is the worst.'
-- Shakespeare, King Lear, IV.i

How bad can it get? Tune in and find out!
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It's almost six months to Christmas and teams decided to give for this half way to Christmas season. The Bisons scored their first five runs with just one hit. Erik Swanson came on in relief and decided to return the favour. Buffalo lost. Michael Dominguez was also in a giving mood. New Hampshire lost. Same for Nolan Perry who walked six in three innings. Dunedin lost. Tri-City walked the first Vancouver hitter of the game and he scored the only run to get Vancouver the win.

Its not just halfway to Christmas it's halfway through the baseball season. If we look at the hitters and ignore the complex leagues, all the hitters playing well are in AAA. Just looking at OPS first, nine of the top eleven have played in, or are in, AAA. Its the names you know, the guys in the big leagues along with Leo Jimenez, Riley Tirotta, Nathan Lukes, Alan Roden and Damiano Palmegiani. The two non AAA players are Dasan Brown and Victor Arias. Josh Kasevich is twelfth. If we look at wRC+ we add a couple of players like Jace Bohrofen and Nick Goodwin. They both have a 115 wRC+ in Vancouver which does not scream major leaguer.

Ask yourself, who is the best hitting prospect between New Hampshire and Dunedin? There are some names in the previous paragraph but none of them are today projected to be above average major leaguers.

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Weather impacted play on Saturday. Buffalo were scheduled to play two but struggled to get one game in. Dunedin were rained out. Buffalo put up a football score in their game, the completion of Fridays suspended game. Several hitters had big games. Vancouver won while New Hampshire lost in extras.
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Peyton Williams broke a 5-5 tie with a go ahead and game winning home run in the ninth inning to secure a win for Vancouver. Buffalo are in line for a win, they have an eleven run lead but their game was suspended due to rain. New Hampshire and Dunedin lost, Dunedin on an extra innings balk.
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What is to be done?
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