Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine
As I do most years here is a summary of the top prospects as seen by assorted popular sites including ours.
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Our only affiliate game of the day belonged to the Buffalo Bisons and it was postponed due to rain.

Worcester Buffalo PPD

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Like the parent club, the Herd waited until their last at-bat to put two runs on the board.
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This one worries me. The Blue Jays can expect to meet some people in a very bad mood.
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The Buffalo Bisons start their season this afternoon, at home. March baseball in Northern New York, yummy!

The Bisons are the only minor league affiliate in action this weekend so I will update this thread over the weekend with a summary.

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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Likewise, the 162 game season begins with the first one.
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Well, time to finally get into the pitchers side of this. Wonder if any of these records (good or bad) will be broken in 2024?
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Until I start really paying attention.
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Time for a new spring training thread. A spring training that is about to get biz-zay. The Jays play 13 games in the next 11 days. There are split squad games on the next two Sundays.
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As we head towards a new season I thought it would be fun to see how good/bad it can get at each position and when we had that.
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Let's dig into some projection systems for this team as we near the end of winter. I figure it is about time as the team is unlikely to change much now. I figure this is the best way to cause a trade/free agent signing to happen. Putting this together now when all seems quiet.
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Three hundred comments? It's January!
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Sorry, couldn't resist the misleading title.
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Now that the top 30 is done, lets talk about some other guys in the system. We will start with the players who dropped off the 2023 list.
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On to the top 10.
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